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Archive For: Electrical vehicles

Government Sets Sights On Existing Road Infrastructure Improvements

Government Sets Sights On Existing Road Infrastructure Improvements

The government has been discussing transport plans as the Department for Transport (DfT) looks to focus on improving existing road infrastructure in the coming years. It comes after questions around whether the DfT will continue with new major road infrastructure projects after recent news on HS2 and the ICE production ban raised questions. With the ... Read More
Gone In 0.956 Seconds…

Gone In 0.956 Seconds…

 Speed is an impressive feat, whether you’re looking at Usain Bolt’s 100m World Record, Concord breaking the sound barrier or the 763mph land speed record that’s stood for 26 years. And EVs are now joining the party. Because a team of Swiss students have pulled off an engineering feat that is incredibly cool, to say ... Read More
New Fleet Vehicle Registrations Rise By 38% In April

New Fleet Vehicle Registrations Rise By 38% In April

The latest figures from the government have revealed that new fleet vehicle registrations rose by 38% in April 2023. It’s great news for the sector as confidence returns and the supply issues that have plagued fleets and businesses in recent months (and years) abate. It presents a positive picture for the future of the UK’s ... Read More
Batteries Not Included

Batteries Not Included

Picture the scene… It’s Christmas morning, and you head down to watch your kids unwrap various presents, only to be greeted by the most terrifying words to any parent: Batteries not included. Once upon a time, it seemed that the entire world ran on double-A batteries and recently some car enthusiasts have taken that to ... Read More