Up, Up And Away…
At this time of year, magical vehicles are to be expected…
But when the particular brand of magic is less Santa’s sleigh and more lifting a 4x4, you might just raise an eyebrow.
Of course, once upon a time lifting a car and relocating it to a new parking spot was a practical joke you could play on your mates.
But these days, the sheer size and weight of vehicles means that’s essentially impossible.
Or so we thought.
Because there’s footage of two people lifting a Toyota Land Cruiser… although there is a bit of a twist, given that it’s made of Styrofoam.
The full story is that it’s a life-sized replica created by an artist to look as realistic as possible.
And they could have fooled me!
After all, I’ve seen people pulling HGVs with their teeth become Guinness World Record holders, so why couldn’t two men lift a 4x4?
Well, there’s a literal tonne of reasons, it turns out.
And as good as the car might look, it’s not going anywhere fast… unless they can figure out a way to create a Styrofoam engine that’ll propel it forwards.
In the meantime, I’ll stick to cars made from the traditional materials and leave the artwork to the artists!