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Are fuel prices about to drop again thanks to Lockdown 2?

Are fuel prices about to drop again thanks to Lockdown 2?

Here we go again. It’s day two of Lockdown 2, the sequel nobody wanted, and some things are feeling awfully familiar.

I popped into Sainsbury’s yesterday and witnessed the empty loo roll shelves for myself.

I mean, really?

Sure, there are some new small graces that we can be thankful for this time around.

Nurseries and schools are carrying on and flour hasn’t quite run out in the shops (well, not yet anyway)…

But there’s something else from Lockdown 1 that could be making a comeback and it’ll be welcome news to fleet managers and company car drivers over the next few weeks.

Click here to find out what’s happening to fuel prices

Remember this from the original Lockdown? It had almost slipped my mind, probably because I’d already blocked out that period of our lives while petrol prices crept back up over the summer.

But new data suggests we could see another change to fuel prices soon, and it’ll mean that getting around isn’t just easier on emptier roads, but cheaper too.

By as much as 5p per litre.

Asda’s already curbed their petrol prices at 108.7p and diesel at 111.7p, and Sainsbury’s have announced a reduction too.

But will more retailers follow in their footsteps? Or are we about to be disappointed by other giants in the market not passing on the saving?

Only time will tell (but be sure to shop around).