Would phased driving licences save lives?

Would phased driving licences save lives?

Increasing unemployment levels have put paid to Government plans for graduated driving licences. Until recently, the Government was considering a new structure to the driving licensing system which would see a cascading number of tighter restrictions placed upon newly qualified drivers. Measures would aim to combat the higher driving risk of newbies, making British roads ... Read More
Will this potential deterrent for number plate offences actually work?

Will this potential deterrent for number plate offences actually work?

Most people have their own choice word to describe those inconsiderate drivers who fly down your road at twice the speed limit. Mine begins with “T”. And unsurprisingly, there’s a correlation between the antisocial driving and number plate offences. You know the sort of thing, where the number plate’s obscured or there’s a digit missing. ... Read More
Tougher rules expected for phone use while driving

Tougher rules expected for phone use while driving

Did you know it’s not illegal for you to take a photo or make a video call at the wheel? Surprising, we know. Thankfully, it turns out that we’re not the only ones who think this might be a bit of an oversight. The government’s launched a consultation to pinpoint the best ways to tighten ... Read More
Tougher consequences for 12-point licence offenders

Tougher consequences for 12-point licence offenders

If you thought that getting 12 points on your licence meant you’d automatically receive a driving ban, think again. Earlier this year, the DVLA released statistics that showed that more than 9,000 drivers continued to drive on British roads, despite having at least 12 points on their licences. Turns out there’s a simple loophole, and ... Read More
Are fuel prices about to drop again thanks to Lockdown 2?

Are fuel prices about to drop again thanks to Lockdown 2?

Here we go again. It’s day two of Lockdown 2, the sequel nobody wanted, and some things are feeling awfully familiar. I popped into Sainsbury’s yesterday and witnessed the empty loo roll shelves for myself. I mean, really? Sure, there are some new small graces that we can be thankful for this time around. Nurseries and ... Read More
What does Lockdown 2 
mean for fleet managers?

What does Lockdown 2 
mean for fleet managers?

Here we go again. Lockdown 2 is kicking off on Thursday, and while it’s possible there won’t be quite the same level of hysteria and concern as there was first time around, life is about to get a little different again. So what should fleets be doing throughout November to comply with restrictions, to keep ... Read More
No-deal Brexit could add £1,900 to the average cost of car

No-deal Brexit could add £1,900 to the average cost of car

After several months on the backburner, guess what’s back with a vengeance? That’s right: Brexit. As the clock ticks down towards the end of the year and the prospect of ‘No Deal’, politicians, economists, civil servants, as well as a whole raft of others are crunching the numbers to understand exactly what the state of ... Read More
More questions over self-driving cars despite fleet trials in Oxford

More questions over self-driving cars despite fleet trials in Oxford

Live trials of Project Endeavour’s first commercial fleet of Level 4 autonomous Ford Mondeos are kicking off in Oxford this week, to demonstrate the feasibility of inner-city autonomous driving and engage local authorities with the benefits of such systems. Starting with nine-mile trips between the city’s two major railway stations, the six-strong fleet will operate ... Read More