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Archive For: Just for fun

Merry Christmas! Here’s a free Lexus.

Merry Christmas! Here’s a free Lexus.

Merry Christmas! And thanks for reading our blog posts this year (: Here’s hoping you have the most wonderful time, or as wonderful as it can be under the circumstances at least. Whether you’re bubbling up or locking the doors and sealing yourselves in, chances are you might be looking for things to do today, ... Read More
Flip flops driving myth (and others) finally debunked!

Flip flops driving myth (and others) finally debunked!

I’m a fair few years into my driving career now, and I’m pleased to say that so far I’ve done pretty well with keeping on the right side of the law. Don’t eat behind the wheel, always keep my shoes on and certainly never drive in flip flops. A decent, law-abiding citizen, me. Only, I’ve ... Read More
Note to self: don’t swear at speed cameras (after German driver receives whopper of a fine!)

Note to self: don’t swear at speed cameras (after German driver receives whopper of a fine!)

There’s an old wives’ tale about the German Autobahn, maybe you’ve heard it. They say you can’t get done for speeding.  Of course, as much as one might wish this idea to be true, well, it's not. In reality, it’s a total misconception that Germany’s highways are completely lacking in speed limits. And just this month, a BMW ... Read More