Yellow Submarines, Del Boy And A Rubber Duck…

Yellow Submarines, Del Boy And A Rubber Duck…

The colour yellow is pretty iconic when it comes to vehicles.

I’m instantly thinking of The Beatles’ Yellow Submarine, Del Boy Trotter’s Reliant Regal, and Bumblebee from The Transformers.

I could go on all day, but you get the point!

So, when there was a poll to name a new official car colour for Volkswagen, you could be sure that the great British public would opt for something iconic, right?

I know what you’re thinking – we all remember Boaty McBoatface and we’ve all seen public votes play out like this before…

So, what did they come up with Volkswagen’s brand new vibrant yellow colour on their revamped T-Cross?

Rubber Ducky.

Yep, immensely amusing and endlessly juvenile, but with 46% of the vote, Rubber Ducky is the winner and Volkswagen has decided to roll with it!

CLICK HERE to read the full story on what ‘Rubber Ducky’ has to do with a new VW…

The official press release was full to the brim with duck-related puns and despite the online poll not necessarily going in the direction they expected, they appear to have committed to the new name.

It did get me thinking, would you be able to ask for a ‘Rubber Ducky yellow’ car with a straight face?

Now if any manufacturers decide to release a ‘Del Boy yellow’ van anytime in the near future, they might just capture my attention…