Flip flops driving myth (and others) finally debunked!

Flip flops driving myth (and others) finally debunked!

I’m a fair few years into my driving career now, and I’m pleased to say that so far I’ve done pretty well with keeping on the right side of the law.

Don’t eat behind the wheel, always keep my shoes on and certainly never drive in flip flops.

A decent, law-abiding citizen, me.

Only, I’ve just discovered that I could have enjoyed years of doing each of those three very things without breaking the law once.

Click here to debunk more strange driving myths – including ones about mobile phone use and alcohol consumption in your car!

Turns out there are plenty of strange “rules” that we stick to, without any legal basis!

Did you know that driving in flip flops isn’t illegal? Nor is it against the law to drive in socks, nor even to eat behind the wheel.

All myths. And they aren’t the only ones.

Don’t get me wrong, I doubt I’ll go out of my way to eat more McDonalds on the motorway now.

Probably won’t start listening to music through headphones while driving either.

But I do think I’ll be more careful around speed cameras, even if their tolerance is apparently 10% plus 2mph. Who knew?!

Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s been carefully conforming to these myths and continuing the strange circle of lies all these years?!